
Are you ready to work with a Customer Experience Strategist?


frequently asked questions

I’m not sure what I need

No worries at all. Fill in the enquiry form, and I’ll get in touch with the right follow-up questions to help you navigate which service you need. 

What is CX design and strategy, and why do I need it?

A common misconception is that CX design is user experience (UX) design. While both are concerned with the overall experience of using a product or service, CX design refers to optimising the experience clients have in interacting with it as a brand. 

This experience is a journey that includes many touchpoints, from initial awareness and research to conversion and retention. You must optimise those touchpoints so that customers perceive the brand more favourably and the brand distinguishes itself as customer-centred. A brand may have a superior product but still fail if it doesn't reach users at their various stages of encountering it. This is what I specialise in. By spending time learning about your brand, I help you introduce the right tech and systems to roll out a stunning customer experience from start to finish.

I’m way too busy right now.

The truth is that until you have processes automated, systems simplified, and a more strategic structure around your business, this little bump in the road isn’t going anywhere. I know because busy, overworked, running from meeting-to-meeting business owners are exactly who hire me to help. This challenge only further highlights the need for a more sustainable business that frees up your time. If this sounds like you, my Dubsado Setup and Support may be most appropriate for you as it will allow you to let go of the setup and have me do it all for you.

How do I know you’re the one?

Do we fit together like two peas in a pod? I sure do hope so, but just to be sure, for any of my larger services, I like to arrange a call with you after you enquire to make sure we really hit it off before either of us commits to the project. Having peace of mind from start to finish is something I’m big on! Of course, you can always learn more about me and my vision for your biz here.

Will it be in my budget?

Take a look through my website, and you’ll see I’m upfront and honest about my pricing. There are no hidden costs or making you jump on a call to find out what you’re up for. I believe in transparency and have a range of service options to suit any budget, including a range of DIY options for those confident they can give things a go themselves.

Can I book you as a guest speaker?

Absolutely. Enquire here with some details about what you’re looking for, and I’ll be in touch.

Packed with links and resources as well as detailed step-by-step instructions, you can begin creating a more professional customer experience in no time.

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For creative business solutions that elevate even the smallest of businesses to create growth and brand awareness.